* The exodus of ex-XGL-ians

* Detention by Christine...it's ok, I forgive u

* My hazelnut chocolate

* Christine & me

* Little Simin with Batman

* Christine & another heroine which I forgot her name
We went to Queensbay not too long ago. That's because Christine told me last minute. As in literally. Sunday afternoon she told me to go Queensbay. And it was Sunday evening that we had to go. That's Christine!!! =X
Anyway, with my skillful driving, we arrived safely. Christine, that's something to be thankful to God. Haha. So, we jalan-jalan and took pictures with Batman and Co while waiting for Christ and Alyn. Christine and I ended up having dinner at Breek's Cafe after walking the whole Queensbay twice. That's because Christine couldn't decide what to eat and as a good friend, I asked Christine to decide. =) Although I was such a good friend, Christine gave me detention. (refer picture =) ) But, it's ok Christine, I forgive you. I know, you are very touched...
Soon, Alyn and Christ arrived. They ate at Sushi King...I think. Christine and I watched the modelling thing. Next, we went to Forever 21 because the both of them went there. And it was there that the exodus of CGL-ians arrive.
In conclusion, Simin is a very good friend. Poor Christine is the victim here...because I'm the blogger here. But it's ok Christine. Like I always say...
10 years down the road, you will say : Simin, thank you for blogging and posting the pictures.
Haha...dan saya akhiri rencana saya dengan ucapan "Sama-sama".
Btw Merry Xmas & Happy New Year!!!