Saturday, February 21, 2009
Kelvin's Bday
Friday, February 20, 2009
And The Winner Is...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
It's Not That Bad =P
Monday, February 9, 2009
1 Done...
Friday, February 6, 2009
Perfect Programme For A Perfect Week...
ok...alright...its been ages since i blogged...simple because my unit still do not have any internet should be done by dis sunday though...(keeping my fingers crossed...really crossed)...anyway, yeah...its been a month since i accessed internet...its like no civilisation...its ok, im still surviving...=P but still...
anyway, there are many good news...first of all, today i had 2 classes...
a. moral 8.00 - 11.00am
b. dynamics 11.00 - 12.00pm
both were lectures but the dynamics was a replacement due to cny...anyway, the replacement wasnt the good was simply to let u noe the flow of the story...b4 it striked 12.00pm, the whole lecture hall started packing...thank God, as i walked to the bus stop...there it was...the public bus...though i had to run a bit to catch it juz in case the conductor did not spot a student running...but it was fun though...haha...that wasnt the good news either...
by 12.30pm i reached home...did some stuff...and by 2.45pm...ngam ngam ho...i left my unit...took a bus to lrt 3.59pm i reached asia sis was already there to pick me...we headed straight to sunway pyramid...we watched pink panther 2...which was a was of the best movies that i've watched...with steve martin acting as the head of Drean Team with his hilarious antics, accent and crazy was hilarious...the best part was watching with my sis...=P after that, did some shopping...finally, dinner time...she brought me to the mamak shop...the roti nan plus extra cheese and the ayam goreng...fuyoh...heaven on earth...actually, im getting hungry even as i wrote about it...
we then headed home...i'll be staying with my sis til mon is a holiday brought forward from class will resume by tuesday...