Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Penang Port Rewards!!!

It was around 7.30am and I forced myself out of bed...I mean, hello, its SEM BREAK, its suppose to be HEAVEN ON EARTH...and waking up THAT early is not my definition of HEAVEN ON EARTH...

Anyway, it was worth it as it was THE DAY where the children of Penang Port staff who did well received their reward...as in $$$...ok, i admit that was THE main factor, if not , THE MOST IMPORTANT FACTOR, that gave me the inner strength to wake up...

Anyway, the event took place quite quickly, we received our reward and posed for some pictures...It was quite nice actually...ok...seriously, besides getting $$$, its just so great dat what we worked for did pay indeed...so...God bless u...and me =P

1 comment:

gohsimin7 said...

btw it was on d 3rd of may, sat