Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Fun...Yet Boring

Today was the first day of semester. It was fun yet boring. Only 2 out of 6 classes were on today. Coz the other 4 were tutorials. And NO tutorials on week 1. =) Unfortunately, that meant i had to wait literally (no exaggeration) 6 hours straight. The 4 tutorials were in between the 2 lectures. First lecture 9-10am. 2nd lecture 4-6pm.

So, basically, I :-

1. Chatted with friends.
2. Went computer lab.
3. Register lab experiments (That alone took me 2 hours).
4. Had lunch.
5. Attended friend's lecture since nothing to do.
6. Sleep.

But, the last class knocked off before 5.30pm since it was the first class.

Fast forward time...Had dinner. Video called my sister. That was so cool. It was my 1st time by the way. Went online. Downloading notes. Got to sleep early. Class at 8am tomorrow.

All in all, it was a great and blessed day. Can't wait for tomorrow to unfold. Amen!

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