Sunday, March 21, 2010

Plans & Goals

The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps...Proverbs 16 : 9

When Sir Walter Scott was young, his goal was to become a soldier. An accident, however, left him slightly lame; so he had to abandon his plan. He turned his energies to reading old Scottish histories and romances and became a master novelist himself. His works included classics such as Ivanhoe and The Talisman. He developed his characters in such a way that the reader becomes caught up in the violent, dramatic changes in history. His death in 1832 marked the end of the romantic age in English literature. In Scott's case, circumstance forced a would-be soldier into the life of a novelist.

Perhaps at some point in your life, your own plans and goals were changed. Disappointments may be understandable, but when we invite God into the situation, we can trust that He will guide our steps and bring us into his ultimate plan He has for our lives. And His plan will happen - no matter what!

God is bigger than our circumstances, and the plans that He has for us are far greater than any setbacks we may suffer. His plans are far bigger than our own plans.

~ Taken from Daily Grace For Women

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