Tuesday, September 16, 2008

1 To Go...1 to Run...

Ok...today's public speaking paper is over...meaning 5 out of 6 are over...and left 1 paper which is physics...most of us...or may i say all...are terribly excited of the fact that our misery will end soon...well, not dat soon...it ends dis fri, 4.30pm...however, we have mixed emotion actually as we fear for the worse = PHYSICS...wat to expect...

usually, in any case...people always says that gals are very hard to be understood as they have mixed emotions...they can be happy and sad at the same time...and only they can understand the meaning of mixed emotions...

but i guess the world has changed...even my guy friends told me dat too...meaning they are having a glimpse of understanding of the word - mixed emotions...=P

so...God bless us in our Final's final paper...and 1 more thing...God, help us...

and truly...1 to go...1 to run...

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